Christ Among Us

The furniture in a church building stands as a symbol of the presence of Christ among us.
This furniture is in the Tairua Church, Coromandel Peninsula.

Christ in the Community


Jesus is present among us in each other. He said, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them".

The Presidential Chair stands as a symbol of Christ "seated" among us. The Mass starts and ends with the focus on it.

Christ in the Word

After the introduction, the Mass focuses on the Word of God. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God".

This is not a "pretend" presence of Jesus, but his real and living presence among us. The Lectern is a symbol of Christ "standing" in our midst.


Christ in the Eucharist


Jesus said, "My flesh is real food and my blood is real drink".

We often call this "the Real Presence" and the Altar represents this. It is why we reverence the Altar when we enter the church building.

Christ for the Sick

The consecrated hosts are kept in the tabernacle so that communion can be taken to those in the community who are sick.

The word "tabernacle" means "tent". It is as if Jesus is "encamped" in our midst.

When we pray to Our Lord in the tabernacle, it is a good idea to remember the sick: the very reason for the reservation of the Eucharist.


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