The Board of Trustees consists of:Five parent representatives elected by the community.
Four proprietor's representatives appointed by the bishop.
The school Principal.
A staff representative.
The names and contact details of the current Board are located on the noticeboard in the school foyer. The community electes the parent representatives once every three years.
The governance of the school is the responsibility of the Board which approves all school policy. The Board meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7.30 pm in the school library, and communicates regularly with the community through the school newsletter. The monthly meetings are open to the public and a copy of the minutes is displayed in the reception area.
The Board selects the Principal and formally approves the appointment of all staff.
An annual meeting is held each year (April/May).
The Board of Trustees appoints the Principal who has the overall responsibility for the management of the school. The Principal is the professional leader who manages the day to day educational, financial, personnel and administrative affairs of the school, and reports to the Board on a regular basis.
The Principal, in consultation with the staff and Board, establishes educational objectives for the school and implements policies and programmes which enable the school to achieve these objectives.
The Principal and teachers are responsible for developing all learning programmes and for the monitoring and evaluating of the work undertaken.
Other responsibilities of the Principal include the formal performance appraisal of all teachers and the initiation of professional development programmes for all staff.